When the Time is Right

It should come as no surprise to anyone that the senior population is growing. A recent report conducted by AARP found that people 65 and above will increase 89% over the next 20 years with the 85 and older group growing by 74% during the same period. In 2012 life expectancy in the USA reached an all-time high – 78.8 years, as compared to 68.2 years 50 years ago. But for today’s senior, it’s not enough to just live longer, they are looking to lead lives that are healthier and more meaningful.

Successful aging, living well not just living, depends largely on the senior’s ability to positively embrace the next chapter of their lives. Making a change is never easy and can seem over whelming but the decision to simplify your life can have huge benefits in the long run. Seniors actually retain more of their independence when they don’t feel the need to count on family and friends to meet basic needs. They can simply remain a part of their loved ones social network with all the joy that entails.

One of the biggest decisions a senior will have to make as they adjust to their changing lifestyle is housing. Most will find themselves, even if subconsciously, burdened by the weight and responsibility of a big house and yard.

In the past seniors had few options, remain in their home with help, move in with a family member or enter a nursing home. Fortunately more options and services are available today. Senior Living Communities are emerging, even in small towns, as a way to meet the changing needs of seniors.

Most Senior Living Communities offer a variety of services and levels of care with each community being unique.

Independent Living is typically utilized by the active senior who is looking to downsize and free themselves from the responsibilities of home and yard maintenance. These residents continue to live independently but have access to a staff that will take care of maintenance, appliances and grounds in an environment that focuses on safety.

Assisted Living is for the senior who may need a little extra help due to health or general aging issues. Assisted Living assures that the senior is eating well, taking their medication appropriately and socializing. Exercise and activities are provided in an atmosphere that makes participation easy and rewarding. Facilities are staffed 24 hours a day with staff ready to give help at any time. Most facilities have the look and feel of home. Residents are part of the decision making process in regards to their care, they are free to come and go as they please and many still drive. Assisted Living makes it possible to live independently without living alone. Many seniors actually report an improved quality of life after moving to an Assisted Living Facility.

Specialty Care Assisted Livings also have the look and feel of home but are especially designed for a resident with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or other memory impairment. Safety is a major concern for these residents, most facilities allow for plenty of room to walk and socialize but maintain a secured perimeter. Specialty Care Staff receives training focused on the unique needs of a resident with a memory impairment, allowing them to care for the resident with patience, caring and compassion.

Knowing when the time is right to make the move yourself or to help a loved one make the decision remains key. One thing is certain, it’s never too early to start the education process on what’s available in your community. Being informed makes the decision much easier when the time comes.